The moody bride
August 4th 2012
Hello mood swings lol Think playing Mumford and Sons isn't the best mood lifter but I think I'm just in one of those moods where I want to be solem, weird but true. So to counteract this I've been stalking blogs, mostly foody blogs but it put me in a mood to write so I thought I'd pop by and type a little something. I should also mention the fact my telly is being held for ransom during this dark period known as The Ow new thought I've decided to post the link to my Pinterest on here! Cause like me I'm sure you all like a little pic stalk now and again.
There it is enjoy! The whole reason I got pinterest was for the wedding. Mainly cause its so much easier then saving images on to my laptop and like my little blog I get to share what I love with you guys! So it's broken up into Fashion, Home style, Wedding stuff and Food. As you'll see I've gone quite crazy with the food board cause it just looked all so dam yummy, I dedicated a whole night to pinning lol. But this isn't the place for food so lets see some pretty inspiration for my Italian wedding.
My h2b was very cute when I showed him this and explained what it was. Basically he said why would you want that your not even going to see it... ah the male brain lol On another note I think these are so pretty! Specially the top one, without a doubt I'm getting one of these.
My mum and I are in love with this dress. The scalloped top is definitely something I could see myself wearing, which is a first! I think it's because the top is a sweet heart line where most of these tops are usually cut clean across. In my head the perfect dress would have this top with a mesh like skirt ( The technical fabric term does not cross my mind, post if you know!) . Ah its just so pretty I get misty eyed! And what do we all need with the perfect dress....
The shoes! These are crazy beautiful, their organic and natural and AMAZING! Please please if you know the brand of these little beauties comment. They honestly make me weep for joy ahhhhhhhh.
Hummm Mumford and Sons has stop and I have passed on over to Regina Spektor little more upbeat hehe. Well think I am now going to write a post for the main page more ranting should disperse my mood...
July 25th 2012
I love pinterest! Its like an online mood board for me and its great for me being so far away from my mum and friends, all I have to do is pin something and they can see it too!
Found this the other day and I'm in love! Its so pretty and whimsical yet very unique and different like me. Been having a big nail faze lately experimenting with white tips, coloured, gels tips, glitter you name it!

Now I was surprised when I fell in love with this dress because its quite simple and flowy, but my heart over-road my head and I fell head over heels. I think its the back that won me. The way it drops without being to "sexy" and the way the fabric cascades down it reminds me of water. Love it!
Ok well off to bed now but more stuff to come!
Night night world..
The lost bride
July 23rd 2012
I blame the cupcakes for my absence on this page! lol Its crazy to think that my little stall has been fighting for center stage and for the last 3 weeks has won. But in my defence the wedding is 2 years away where my cupcake stall is in full swing so I've let it slide. So as my heading say I am in fact lost I just dont know what to do or where to start or to even start for that matter HELP! My poor little computer is bombarded with countless sites, blogs and forums and dispit this onslaut of information if feel like I'm no further in the process then I was when my h2b proposed! But I am determind to find that buzz again and as I'm writing this I am browsing Pinterest and I think its done it! Pretty sure I've repined around 10 things already! And to get my wedding page up and running I wanna repin them here as well. Because this is why I started this whole blog to inspire other brides/cooks, and if I inspire at least one reader I think thats a job well done :)
The Dress
June 1st 2012
In the endless list of every bride to be theres one moment when everything else becomes nonexistent if only for a day, the dress. Now saying this my parents, who I should mention are folking the bill think that its quite normal to hire a wedding dress! Yes you herd me right hire! The reason behind this is that my mother hired her, now theres nothing wrong with this but personally your dress like your photos is a keepsake something that you look back on with joy. The dress is also an exprestion of my personality, and my personality is unique so the idea of knowing that some other bride or god forbid multiple brides wore it before made me stop my parents dead in their tracks. So with that horrifing expirence done and dusted now the fun part looking for the dress! Not trying on dresses sadly that's saved for next year but looking online, not as exciting but to me its a good start.

So the first photo a came across was this one on the left it was so beautiful! Just something about it looking so soft yet still fitted appealed to me, because as much as i love to natural look flowy dresses just dont some formal enough for me.
The next one down was my idea of natural vintage, which is kinda of my theme basically just vintage elements with lots and lots of flowers! So this is why i love this one plus that veil is to die for!

So the serach continues for the dream dress but luckly theres no shortedge of great dresses out there.
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